The so-called leaders of the ‘Free-world’ are supporting the genocide in the Gaza Strip

Congress General Secretary Priyanka Gandhi throws tantrums

New Delhi – “It is horrific and shameful beyond words that almost 10,000 civilians of which nearly 5,000 are children have been massacred, whole family lines have been finished off, hospitals and ambulances have been bombed, refugee camps targeted and yet the so-called leaders of the “free” world continue to finance and support the genocide in Palestine.” (Israel has attacked these places as Hamas terrorists are hiding among them. Before attacking, Israel had warned the Palestinian citizens to move from North Gaza to South Gaza. They did not respond to this appeal and so are bearing the consequences. Please note that though this fact is known worldwide, Priyanka Gandhi ignores it ! – Editor)

Priyanka Vadra had severely criticised India’s neutrality in the United Nations !

Priyanka Gandhi Vadra said India abstaining from the UNGA vote “goes against everything our country has stood for throughout its life as a nation”. Priyanka Gandhi Vadra on Saturday said she was “shocked and ashamed” by India abstaining to vote on a resolution. She also quoted M Gandhi and wrote, “An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.” (India abstained from the voting as the resolution did not mention anywhere about Hamas’ attack on Israel. Congress, speaking about peace and ahimsa is inappropriate as they do not practice what they preach; for they are responsible for the slaughter of thousands of Brahmins and the Sikhs after the murders of M Gandhi and Indira Gandhi respectively ! – Editor)

Editorial Perspectives

  • Why does Priyanka Gandhi not ask, why the world Islamic leaders are silent about the 1,400 Israeli citizens who have been killed and those held hostage by the Hamas ?
  • Israel has taken action after Hamas attacked it and killed 1,400 (including children, women, and senior citizens). Hamas is using citizens of Palestine as shields during Israel’s counter-attack and they are the ones dying in this war. If Priyanka Gandhi is so concerned about them, why does she not take up the matter with the Hamas ?
  • Hamas has taken 240 Israelis as hostages. They are not prepared to free them. These hostages comprise children, women, and senior citizens. Why does Priyanka Gandhi not speak about their plight ?