Some urban Naxals are operating within the Congress party : Serious accusations by PM Modi

Bhopal (MP) – “Friends, today I want to tell the people of our country and the people of Madhya Pradesh something important. The Congress has given away all its decision-making power. We are witnessing that some Congress workers on the ground are sitting quietly with locks on their mouths. Congress was ruined before, bankrupt now, and they’ve handed over their contracts to others. Congress has become a company outsourcing everything from slogans to policies… Who holds the contract of Congress? Congress’ contract is with some Urban Naxals now. Urban Naxals are the ones running the show in Congress. This is what every Congress worker feels on the ground. That’s why Congress is continuously deteriorating on the ground,” PM Modi said. Prime Minister Modi was speaking during a meeting with Bharatiya Janata Party workers here.

Prime Minister Modi went on to say that after India gained independence, Madhya Pradesh had been under Congress rule for a long time, but during this period, the Congress transformed the State, it turned resource-rich Madhya Pradesh into a BIMARU Madhya Pradesh. Scandals plagued Madhya Pradesh during the Congress rule. The politics of appeasement and polarisation were practised by this party, which led to further damage to the State. Congress will once again make Madhya Pradesh a BIMARU State.

Editorial Viewpoint

If this is true, then the Government should immediately take action against Congress, as it appears to be a matter of national security.