Administration bulldozes 24 illegal medical stores built on Govt land in Muslim-majority areas

Administration’s action in connection with violence in Nuh (Haryana)

New Delhi – The District Administration has taken massive action against the violence committed by Muslim fanatics in Haryana’s Nuh. Under this, on 5th August, at least 24 shops illegally constructed on Government land in Muslim-majority areas were demolished by bulldozers. These mainly include medical stores. The Administration informed that action has been taken against 50 to 60 such buildings so far.

These shops were built in the premises of ‘Shaheed Hasan Khan Mewati, Government Medical College’ in Nalhar, Nuh. A heavy Police force was deployed during demolition. Locals have informed that these shops have been here since many years.

Editorial Viewpoint

Instead of taking action on illegal constructions when religious fanatical Muslims do violence in various States, various BJP Governments in the country should try to pass an ordinance to take action on all illegal constructions. This will curb the evil deeds of religious fanatics to some extent.

Faith of common people in Govt destroyed : MLA Aftab Ahmed

Congress local Muslim MLA Aftab Ahmed protests

Local Congress MLA Aftab Ahmed

Local Congress MLA Aftab Ahmed has protested against this action taken by the local Administration. He said that,”in Nuh only the houses of poor people are being demolished which has destroyed their faith in Government. Villagers told me that notice in this matter was given today and houses and shops were immediately demolished”.

Editorial Viewpoint

The faith of Hindus in Muslim-majority Nuh has been repeatedly destroyed by religious fanatical Muslim community for many years. Why is Ahmed silent about this fact ?

So far 202 people arrested – Haryana Home Minister Anil Vij

Haryana Home Minister Anil Vij

Haryana Home Minister Anil Vij told reporters that, “202 people have been arrested so far and 80 taken into preventive detention in connection with the violence in Nuh. The way stones were hurled from rooftops, bullets were fired from hillocks indicates that this violence was pre-planned. So far 102 FIRs have been filed”.