Woman in Bengaluru makes Muslim bus conductor remove the skull cap

  • Woman in Bengaluru makes Muslim bus conductor remove the skull cap !
  • ‘Follow your religion at home or in the masjid’ she castigated him !

Bengaluru (Karnataka) –  A woman passenger here raised an objection against a Muslim bus conductor wearing a skull cap and made him remove it. A video of the incident has been circulated on social media. The video shows an argument ensuing between the woman passenger and the bus conductor when she asks him to remove the skull cap. Yet, further in the video it is seen that the bus conductor has removed the skull cap. This woman passenger castigated the bus conductor saying, ‘If you want to follow your religion, go home or to the masjid.’

The woman objected to the skull cap as the bus conductor was on duty and wearing the skull cap along with the uniform.  She asked the bus conductor, ‘Are you permitted to wear a cap along with the uniform ? Is this cap a part of your uniform ?’ The Muslim bus conductor replied, ‘I have been wearing a cap for many years and never has any one objected to it.’ Thereafter the two got involved in a verbal altercation. The bus conductor said, ‘I can wear the cap.’ (The public should try to get those who behave in such an arrogant   manner dismissed from service- Editor). The woman told him, ‘You don’t know the rules. You should remove the cap and abide by the rules.’ Finally, the bus conductor removed the cap. (Who will ensure this Muslim bus conductor will not wear the skull cap again ? Hence, it is necessary that such persons be punished as per the rules. – Editor)

Editorial Viewpoint

Though as per the rule, the bus conductor could not wear a religious skull cap when in uniform; did the concerned officers not see this or did they keep mum out of fear ?