China refuses to extend ‘Press Trust of India’ journalist’s visa

  • There is not a single Indian journalist in China now
  • China alleges that ‘India also treats Chinese journalists in the same way’

Beijing (China) – China has ordered India’s only remaining journalist in China to leave their country. This journalist is from the ‘Press Trust of India’. China did not renew his visa. Earlier, China had refused to extend the visas of 2 Indian journalists due to which they had to return to India. China has alleged that ‘India also treats Chinese journalists in the same way’. China has also mistreated the journalists from the US and Australia earlier. When Donald Trump was the President of the USA, he gave a befitting reply to such actions of China.

Speaking on this issue, Spokesperson of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, Wang Wenbin, said that in recent times, the Chinese journalists have been mistreated in India. They have been victims of discrimination. Despite this, we hope that India will continue to issue visas to our journalists. We hope that difficulties, which are deliberately created for our journalists in India, will be eliminated. A situation will be created where journalists of both the countries can work comfortably in each other’s country.

Editorial Viewpoints

  • China should first explain how India mistreated their journalists. If the Chinese journalists living in India behave arrogantly and do not follow the laws of the land, why should India tolerate them ?
  • Such incidents are not surprising at all. The entire world knows China is ruled by a dictator.