China upscaling its military facilities by constructing roads, and helipads in Aksai Chin !

Satellite image

New Delhi – Chatham House, the Royal Institute of International Affairs in London, UK has claimed that China has constructed roads, outposts, helipads, and camps till Aksai Chin. Chatham House has published a report based on the examination of the last six months’ satellite images. The land usurped by China after the 1962 war in Ladakh is Aksai Chin.

It has been stated in this report that a heliport has been constructed in the contested area near Aksai Chin Lake. China is constructing 18 hangars (for parking planes) and a small runway from where drones, helicopters, and warplanes can take off in case of emergency.

File photo (Credit : News18)

The roads constructed in Aksai Chin are wide. There are outposts, modern weatherproof camps equipped with parking areas, and arrangements for solar panels to get solar energy. China is all set to build a highway to join Chin Xinjiang and Tibet by 2035. This road will pass through Aksai Chin. (There is no doubt about China’s intention to attack India in the near future. India should, therefore, be more alert and prepared to give an apt reply to such an attack. – Editor)