Bengaluru – The Congress party in Karnataka is releasing the list of candidates for upcoming Assembly elections. Congress workers and the supporters of Akhanda Srinivas Murthy, sitting MLA of Pulakeshinagar Assembly constituency, specially prayed in a temple as well as a mosque for his candidature. The Congress party will announce Pulkeshinagar’s candidature in the 3rd list. (Congress party continuously tries to harm the Hindu Dharma. How can its workers expect God’s blessings ? – Editor) Srinivas Murthy’s supporters are unhappy as their leader’s candidature is getting delayed.
Karnataka polls: Supporters of Congress leader Akhanda Shrinivas Murthy pray he gets ticket from Pulikeshinagar constituency
Read @ANI Story | #KarnatakaAssemblyElection2023 #Congress
— ANI Digital (@ani_digital) April 8, 2023
Murthy’s supporters said, ‘We cannot meet Congress party leadership to request for Murthy’s candidature. Hence, we are surrendering to God. Let our prayers get Murthy the candidature for upcoming elections. If he gets the ticket, we shall ensure he wins the election by a bigger margin this time’.
Editorial viewpoint
This is an example of the culture of extreme loyalty towards a person in the Congress party. Have the Congress workers ever prayed for Hindu victims’ welfare or for their justice ? |