Half of the country till 2029, and the whole India by 2035 will be captured by us : Taliban

Claim of jihadi Taliban

Kabul (Afghanistan) – A video of a Talibani terrorist has become viral on social media. In this video it is said that the Talibani terrorists will capture half of India by 2029 and the whole country by 2035. It is not yet clear if the video is of Pakistani Taliban or Afghan Taliban.

Credit : News Nation

According to the information obtained from security agency, this is a one minute video. In the video, the Talibani Government Army is showing off their weapons. A chronology of capturing various countries is explained in the video. Also, a map has been shown. In the map the names of some countries have been written along with the year when that country will be captured.

According to the video, they will be capturing half of India by 2029, half of Iran by 2032, whole India by 2035, Turkmenistan by 2037, whole Iran by 2040 and Russia by 2035. There is no mention of Pakistan.

Editorial viewpoint

It can be realised that after capturing Afghanistan, the Taliban has started day dreaming !