British company develops the first-ever tractor that runs completely on cow dung

The 270bhp tractor runs on methane, the fuel captured from cow dung.

New Delhi – New Holland T7- tractor that runs on cow dung which will save farmers the expenditure of expensive diesel has been developed. The tractor can reduce carbon dioxide emissions from 2,500 to 500 tonnes a year. This methane gas can be produced easily from cow-dung.

This company has been researching Biomethane products for more than 10 years. In a test taken on a farm in Cornwall, the tractor running on methane has the speed of a regular tractor. The tractor was put in a pilot run on a farm in Cornwall where carbon dioxide emissions were slashed from 2,500 tonnes to 500 tonnes.

Editorial viewpoint

The importance of cows has been recognised abroad also now. Will the Indian Government realise that some steps are necessary on its part to curb cow-slaughter ?