Non-Muslim students studying in the madarasas are being given Islamic religious education !

The National Commission for Protection of Child Rights has given orders that this should be investigated !

New Delhi – The National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) on Friday issued notices to all the Indian States and Union Territories asking them to conduct a detailed inquiry into all the madarasas, they also directed the State authorities to keep a record of non-Muslim children who are getting admitted to such madarasas and also admit all such children to formal schools, post-inquiry. Along with this, they have instructed the State Chief Secretaries to maintain a register of such madarasas.

The Commission said that children from non-Muslim communities were being admitted to Government-funded madarasas and were also being provided with scholarships. “This is a clear-cut violation of any contravention of Article 28(3) of the Constitution of India that prohibits educational institutions from obligating the children to take part in the religious instruction without the consent of the parents,” the letter read.

Editorial viewpoint

Why have the States not done this themselves ? It is necessary that Hindu Organisations look into this matter. The Hindu Organisations should on a war footing, see how Hindu children can be given their religious education, just like the Muslims are being taught their religion in the madarasas !