Free distribution of booklet on Prophet Mohammad to students in Karnataka : Essay competition on Prophet

Gadag (Karnataka) – Headmaster Abdul Hanif Bijapara distributed free booklets pertaining to Prophet Mohammed to students in a Government school in Nagavi here. An essay competition on Mohammed Paigambar was held in the school. A prize of Rs 5,000 also was announced for the best essay. After having received this news, workers of Sriram Sena met the headmaster and slammed him.

Education Department has given the order of investigation of the case. Education Officer has assured the workers of Sriram Sena that strict action would be taken against the accused after having completed the investigation. It is alleged that the workers of Sriram Sena had beaten up the headmaster.

Editorial viewpoint

After insistence on wearing hijab, now there is an insistence to teach about Prophet Mohammad. One can imagine to what extent Karnataka has been Islamised !