A lawyer booked for harassing and stalking a female Judge at the Hamirpur Civil Court (Uttar Pradesh)

(Right side) Advocate Mohammad Haroon

Hamirpur (UP) – A case has been registered against advocate Mohammad Haroon for harassing and stalking a female Civil Court Judge. Haroon made lewd remarks and misbehaved with the female Judge. He was sending obscene messages to this female Judge on her mobile phone. He was lustfully staring at her while working in the Court. He was also stalking the female Judge after work in the evening. This Judge also warned Haroon about this however, he did not listen. Therefore, the female Judge lodged a complaint with the Police. Police are now investigating the matter. Action will be taken after the investigation.

Such a person and advocate is a disgrace for society – Hamirpur Bar Association

Dinesh Sharma, President of Hamirpur Bar Association, said that we condemn advocate Haroon. We demand strict action against such advocates.

If the Police investigation proves the allegations against him then we will demand that Advocate Haroon’s license be revoked. Such a person and advocate is a disgrace to society.

Editorial viewpoint

This shows that a religious fanatic’s original criminal and lustful attitude does not change no matter how much they grow up and educate. Note that the atheists and progressives will not speak about this.