Ban the film ‘The Kashmir Files’ if you want to save the Kashmiri Hindus

Farooq Abdullah’s ridiculous demand

Srinagar (J&K) – The baseless film ‘The Kashmir Files’ has spread hatred in the country. (What happened to the Kashmiri Hindus from 1989, the film has shown only very few of those incidents. But even those have put up the backs of people like Abdullah. And he is making these types of demands – Editor).

If you want to stop the attacks on Kashmiri Hindus, then the Government should ban the film ‘The Kashmir Files’, said J&K’s ex-Chief Minister Farooq Abdullah. (Why doesn’t Abdullah demand that for preventing attacks on Kashmiri Hindus, then Kashmir’s Jihadi terrorists should be completely wiped out ? From this, his real attitude and perspective are clearly understood – Editor). He said I had asked the Government if ‘The Kashmir Files’ was based on real incidents ?  Truly, will a Muslim kill a Hindu, and then give that man’s wife rice soaked in the blood of the Hindu to eat. Have we stooped to this level ? Farooq Abdullah questioned. (The thousand-year history of the attacks on the Hindus is a witness of the low level the fanatic Islamic attackers.  Instead of denying the fact, why does Abdullah not make a demand for an inquiry ? – Editor)

Editorial viewpoints

  • Please note that Farooq Abdullah is shielding the jihadi terrorist by making a false and ridiculous statement that the Kashmiri Hindus are being attacked because of the film ‘The Kashmir Files’
  • The jihadi terrorists attacked the Hindus in the year 1989, did the film ‘The Kashmir Files’ exist then ? Please note that Abdullah will never tell the truth that the jihadi terrorists attacked and killed the Hindus because of their religion and drove them out of Kashmir and that it was ethnic cleansing.