Pak hisses over revoked permission of offering prayers in public places at Gurugram, Haryana

Violence against Muslims must be stopped

Editorial comments

  • The fact is that nowhere in India there is violence against Muslims, on the contrary Hindus are constantly attacked all over the country by religious fanatics.  
  • The Government should rebuke Pakistan to first take care of the attacks on Hindus in its country before pointing finger at India.

New Delhi – Pak foreign ministry said that violence against minorities in India, especially Muslims, must be stopped. They and their places of worship should be protected. After the protests against the offering of namaz at 37 public places in Gurugram by Hindus, the Administration revoked the permission for it.  Pakistan was reacting to it.

We are concerned about the attacks on mosques by extremists and officials in the BJP-ruled States of Uttar Pradesh and Haryana. Calling out to the United Nations and International Human Rights organisations, Pak said that there are constant attacks on Muslim places of worship. Attacks on Muslims and their places of worship are continuing in Tripura. In the BJP-ruled States, people who raise their voices against such incidents are being arrested on criminal charges. In Maharashtra, activists of Bajrang Dal, Vishva Hindu Parishad, Maharashtra Navnirman Sena and BJP have attacked Muslim shops and mosques. This should immediately be addressed by them and the attacks stopped. Hatred towards Islam also should be stopped, demanded Pakistan.