More than 110 crores of people smoke worldwide

One out of five males die due to illnesses related to smoking

Realise that not a single country in the entire world bans tobacco related products due to the high revenue obtained from it. Similarly, as all rulers in India so far have not taught people to perform spiritual practice, the public are becoming addicted to alcohol, tobacco, etc.

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New Delhi – It is reported that more than 110 crore people indulge in smoking worldwide. This includes 15 crore people born after 1990. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), the figure could exceed 130 crore. Out of five males, one male dies due to illness related to smoking. These findings have come to light after a new study. Researchers have analysed the statistics obtained from 204 countries and arrived at these conclusions.

Marisa Retasma, Chief Researcher of this study said, “It appears that addiction is predominant amongst youth worldwide. In 2019, approximately 80 lakh people died due to smoking. More than 1,07,000 people died due to heart problems caused due to smoking. About 10,30,000 people have died due to respiratory disorders, lung cancer and other related ailments. Heart attack has been the cause of death in nearly 10 lakh people”.