Hindus in India’s 7 neighbouring countries are in miserable condition!

Centre for Democracy Pluralism and Human Rights (CDPHR) reported

How can Hindus in other countries, especially in Islamic countries, live in favourable conditions when Hindus are not in good shape even in India ? To change this scenario, the condition of Hindus in India must be prospered first, for which, establishing ‘Hindu Rashtra’ is a must. As a result, nobody will dare to assault Hindus in other countries!

 New Delhi – Centre for Democracy, Pluralism and Human Rights (CDPHR), an organisation that works towards advocating equality, justice and human rights, has released reports of India’s seven neighbouring countries, highlighting grave human rights violations against Hindus. The countries involved are Tibet, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Malaysia, Indonesia and Sri Lanka. The report was compiled by a team of academics, lawyers, judges, journalists and researchers based on civil equality, their dignity, justice and democracy in all these countries.

  1. According to the report, the status of religious minorities as well as minority Shias and Ahmaddiyas in Pakistan is also very bad. It is also an offence for Ahmaddiya Muslims to use the word ‘Azaan’. Religious minorities – Hindu, Sikh and Christian women have high rates of kidnapping, rape, forced conversions, etc. CDPHR president Prerna Malhotra said, ‘Religious minorities in Pakistan are in the extreme critical condition.’
  2.  According to Abul Barkat, a professor at Dhaka University, 2,30,612 people belonging to minority religions (especially Hindu Dharma) have been forced to flee every year in the last four decades. If the migration continues at the same pace, then no Hindu will be left there after 25 years. In 1975, the term “secularism” was removed from the constitution and the verses of the Quran were retained, and in 1988 Islam was declared the religion of the country.
  3.  According to the report, China is trying to hide the human rights situation in Tibet through various sanctions. China is also trying to destroy Tibet’s social, religious, cultural and linguistic identity.
  4. Malaysia has a discriminatory law in favour of Bhumiputra (sons of the soil). The rights of minorities are also being violated there.
  5. The report expresses concern about human rights and discriminatory policies towards minorities in Afghanistan. According to Afghanistan’s constitution, only a Muslim can become the country’s President and Prime Minister. According to the 1970 census, there were around 7 lakh Hindus and Sikhs, while only 200 Hindu and Sikh families are left today.
  6. According to the report, one lakh people lost their lives and 20,000 Tamil Hindus ​​went missing during the 26 years of civil war in Sri Lanka.
  7.  Religious bigotry and intolerance have increased over the years in Indonesia. The major religious Islamic leaders of the country were also named in the 2002 bombings in Bali. In 2012, several incidents against religious minorities were witnessed, including attacks on Hindus.