Establish a committee involving the govt., organisation of farmers and political parties, SC tells Centre

New Delhi – On the backdrop of ongoing farmer protests, the Supreme Court has advised Centre to form a committee involving the govt., organization of farmers and other parties; since the protests seem to become a national issue. The Supreme Court also questioned as to why the issue is not being addressed and said that the problem may not get solved just by the government. The court ruling came as a response to the petition filed to clear up the streets occupied by the protestors. Farmers are agitating for the past 21 days on the outskirts of Delhi by occupying the streets. The Court has permitted the farmers to form their party. The petition was filed by a law student Rushabh Sharma and the hearing was on 17th December. He told that common people are facing trouble due to blocked roads by the protestors and feared the spread of Covid due to missing social distancing.

Central govt. should order local authorities to clear up the protestors !

While ruling the Centre to clear up the protest sites, SC asked the Centre to order local authorities to immediately vacate the protestors.

The court further said that the talks to resolve the issue will not bear fruits if the govt. doesn’t discuss openly and the farmers think that the laws are against them. The SC also asked Centre to reveal the names of parties leading this protest.

On behalf of the govt., Solicitor General Tushar Mehta told that Bharatiya Kisan Union is leading the protest. The govt. will never act against the interests of farmers. Farmers should debate with the govt. on every section of the law. An open debate can take place, he added.

The court said in its response that the talks doesn’t seem successful. Centre should be prepared to resolve the issue which should also involve the farmers’ representation. The court also asked the govt. to inform the name of such representative organisation.

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Opposition is misleading the farmers ! – PM Modi

While talking in a program in Kutch, PM Modi alleged that Opposition is plotting to mislead the farmers. Farmers are being threatened that they will lose their lands to other people. He asked if a dairy owner makes agreement to take milk, does it also mean that he will take the cattle? Modi also assured that the govt. is ready to address each and every issue.