In Pakistan, only Muslims get assistance, Hindus deprived

Will Pakistan-lovers in India speakup against this inhuman discrimination ? Or are they going to support it by saying, ‘This is an internal matter of Pakistan’ ?

India must now get into Pakistan to protect millions of Hindus there, else, no Hindu will be left in Pakistan to protect !

Why those who ask, ‘What will happen to the minorities after India becomes a Hindu Nation ?’ do not ever ask, ‘What is happening to minority Hindus in an Islamic country like Pakistan for the past 72 years ?’

Karachi (Pakistan) – The world is united in fighting the Covid-19 pandemic; but for Pakistan, religious discrimination remains a top priority amidst this global crisis. The country’s Hindus and Christian minorities are not being given food supplies by authorities, saying they are meant for the Muslims.

Scores of marginalised people gather at Karachi’s Rehrri Ghoth to receive food supplies and daily essentials as shops remain shut to curb the spread of coronavirus. But those from the Hindu community are told to go back since the rations are only meant for Muslims.

Hindus in Pakistan form 4 per cent of the country’s population. The community is subjected to rampant discrimination and are often denied basic human rights. The discrimination continues even at the time of global crisis as serious as COVID-19 pandemic. “Why this discrimination against us ? The disease is affecting every one of us. Why is nobody cooperating with us ?” a Hindu asked.

Pak should clarify to UNHCR : Dr. Swamy

‘A video has gone viral in which Hindus in the Sindh State of Pakistan are dying due to hunger. Pakistan should clarify to United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) over this. If the video is fake, Pakistan should say so’, tweeted Rajya Sabha BJP MP Dr. Subramanian Swamy.

India should help Hindus via Rajasthan : Amjad Ayub Mirza

Amjad Ayub Mirza, a political activist has warned that the Hindu minorities are now facing a serious food crisis and asked the Indian Government to send supplies via Rajasthan to Sindh.

He also appealed to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the United Nations to intervene without delay to avert a humanitarian crisis in Sindh.

Will Pakistan-lovers in India speakup against inhuman discrimination ? Or will they support it saying, ‘This is an internal matter of Pakistan’ ?