Reaping maximum benefits from the Prajapati waves
By hoisting the Gudhi, the combined waves of Prajapati Deity enter the house with kalash (A metal pot) as the medium. (This works like the antenna of a TV). From the next day, we should use the kalash for storing drinking water. A kalash charged with Prajapati waves imparts these to the water stored in it. Thus, we benefit from the Prajapati waves throughout the year. In these, the extent of Prajapati waves is 80%, whereas the proportion of Surya, Yama and composite waves is 10%, 8% and 2% respectively. On no other day in the entire year, the proportion of Prajapati waves is so high. Prajapati waves have multiple positive effects such as increase in the ability of the soil to cause sprouting of vegetation, intellect becoming expansive, and the wells developing new channels of water.
Radiation of Sattva, Chaitanya, waves of Knowledge and materialised & non-materialised Principle of Brahma is over 50% from Deity Brahma and hoisting the Gudhi to absorb them
When compared with any other day, on Gudhipadwa, the radiation of Sattva, Chaitanya (Divine consciousness), waves of Knowledge and materialised & non-materialised Principle of Brahma from Deity Brahma is over 50%. Gudhi is hoisted in front of the entrance door of the house to absorb these waves (through-out the day) and be preserved.
Once the Gudhi gets charged with the Principle of Brahma, the Principle gets absorbed in the garland of flowers, sugar candies, copper kalash and mango leaves tied to the Gudhi, and these too get charged with it. From these, if usable items are either consumed or preserved in the premises, people living in the premises as well as those visiting the premises benefit and the Principle of Brahma gets absorbed in each and every cell of their body.
Individuals should have spiritual emotion of at least 40% so as to benefit from the subtle radiations from the Brahma Principle. More the spiritual emotion of the individual, more will he benefit to the maximum extent from the waves of Knowledge, Shakti, waves of Sattva and Principles of specific Deities and from this Holy festival.
– God (Through the medium of Ms. Madhura Bhosale, 9.3.2005, 10.30 a.m. to 12.01 p.m.)
Prayers to make on Gudhipadwa
O’ God ! Please make me capable of obtaining Your blessings and absorbing the sattvik waves being emitted from the Universe today to the maximum extent. I completely surrender unto Your Holy feet. Only You can teach me how to absorb the sattvik waves. I pray unto Your Holy feet !
– God (Through the medium of Mr. Mane, 13.3.2006, night)
Why is it ideal to start New Year on Chaitra Shukla Pratipada ?
Irrespective of the New Year day in different parts of the world, the year always comprises of twelve months. Who first proclaimed that a year should have twelve months and how did the world accept it ? The Vedas are foremost in promoting this concept.
There is no difference of opinion that Vedas are the most ancient of literary texts. The Vedas say – A year consists of twelve months. It is because the Vedas say so, that the world has accepted it. There is no explanation on why 1st January is the start of the New Year. Someone decided this, and it began. Contrary to this there are natural, historical and spiritual reasons to mark the start of the year on Chaitra Shukla Pratipada.
A. Natural
Towards the first day of the month of Chaitra (Padwa), the sun assumes a position above the Vasant intersection (Point of intersection of the Equator and the Meridians) and the spring season commences. In Srimadbhagwadgeeta (10.35) Shrikrushna says – ‘Amongst the seasons, the exhilarating Vasant (Spring) is my manifestation’. In Vasant, the weather is pleasant and exhilarating. In Shishir (Autumn), trees shed their leaves. Towards Padwa, trees bear new foliage and appear fresh.
B. Historical
1. Shriram killed Vali
2. Shakas defeated the Huns.
3. This day also marks the start of ‘Shalivahan Shake’ – on this day King Shalivahan vanquished his enemies.
C. Spiritual : Deity Brahma created the Universe on this day, that marked the beginning of Satyayug; hence, the start of the New Year on this day.
Not 1st January, but Gudipadwa is truly the New Year Day !
The cycle of the year that begins with Gudipadwa is related to the time that the Universe was first created and therefore, the nature is vibrant with life. On the contrary, the year beginning from the midnight of 31st December is related to the period of destruction.
The New Year beginning on Gudipadwa can be compared to a radiant day brought by a new sunrise. Gudipadwa is one among the three and a half muhurts (Auspicious moments).