Indian fisherman dies in Pakistani jail

  • 8 Indian fishermen die in 2 years

  • 180 Indians still in prison despite serving sentences

Islamabad (Pakistan) – An Indian fisherman named Babu, who had completed his sentence but was not released, tragically died in a Pakistani jail on January 23rd . Babu had been arrested in 2022. Over the past 2 years, 8 Indian fishermen have died while in Pakistani custody, and 180 others, despite having completed their sentences, are still awaiting release. India has persistently raised this issue with Pakistan, but there has been no constructive response. (It is evident that Pakistan will never cooperate with India but will only create more hurdles – Editor)

According to Article 5 of the agreement between the 2 countries, both Governments are obligated to release prisoners within a month of completing their sentences and repatriate them to their respective countries. However, Pakistan has repeatedly violated this agreement. (Pakistan treats agreements as mere formalities to be broken, while India continues to follow them dutifully – Editor)

Editorial Perspective

If Israel had been in India’s place in such an event, no one needs to tell what would have happened to Pakistan. This incident shows that India has not learned anything from Israel. This situation makes Hindu Rashtra inevitable.