To live in peace,’mob lynching’must stop : Indresh Kumar, RSS

(Mob lynching means killing by a mob)

Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) senior functionary Indresh Kumar

Patna – If people of different religions want to live in peace, there should not be mob lynching of any human or cow, said Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) senior functionary Indresh Kumar. He also said while talking to the reporters, that the RSS stands with H.H. Sarsangchalak Dr Mohanji Bhagwat’s opinion in favour of caste-wise census. He mentioned that the opinion of Sarsanghchalak was the opinion of all RSS members.

Indresh Kumar further said, “Caste is real. You can’t deny it. Therefore, we should try to keep away this poison of caste as much as possible. There are and will be many religions; but we must be wary of religious fanaticism and the violence it leads to. In many parts of the world, people eat meat; but we must remember that people are sensitive about cows. We should celebrate unity in diversity.”