Saudi Arabia and China halt investments in economically bankrupt Pakistan

Islamabad (Pakistan) – China and Saudi Arabia had previously agreed to invest in Pakistan, but due to Pakistan’s economic collapse, both countries have now withheld their investments.

1. Last year, China had discussed making an additional investment of ₹1,42,000 crore in Pakistan. However, China later gave a cold response, stating that ‘security and political stability in Pakistan are needed first’.

2. On the other hand, Saudi Arabia had previously announced an investment of ₹2,00,000 crore in Pakistan. Later, the investment amount was reduced to ₹40,000 crore, and now even that has been put on hold.

3. The United Arab Emirates had announced an investment of ₹83,000 crore in Pakistan but has since stated that ‘considering the current situation, we cannot proceed with the investment’.

4. Experts believe that Pakistan is paying a high price for the insurgency in the country. The promise made by the United Arab Emirates to invest in Pakistan will remain a promise. It is very difficult to see it materialise.

5. According to sources, Saudi Arabia is considering investing ₹8,00,000 crore in India and is looking for opportunities. This investment is expected to take place in India over the next few years.

6. The security situation in the provinces of Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is deteriorating day by day, making it difficult to work on the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project. Additionally, considering the current situation in Pakistan, China views investing in the country as risky.