No Saint or Yogi will ever be a slave to Power

Candid statement by the Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath

CM Yogi Adityanath speaking in an event on the occasion of 425th birth Anniversary of Aghoracharya Baba Keenaram

Chandouli (UP) – “Any saint, Mahatma and Yogi will never be enslaved by Power. On the contrary they are a role model for society to follow,” stated Yogi Adityanath, Chief Minister of UP. He was speaking at a function for the 425th birth Anniversary of Aghoracharya Baba Keenaram.

Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath added, “Baba Keenaram’s efforts were for the welfare of society and the people. He saw society deteriorating and worked to bring people together. He created an enlightened society where there was no difference between Adivasi, Dalit or Vanvasi segments of society. This happened because of the efforts by Aghoracharya, Yogi and Saints. Baba himself was born in an elite family, yet he carried out many initiatives for the welfare of the Adivasis and other communities.  He also criticised the government time and again to show them the right path. When the medical college project was planned, the MLAs and MPs suggested that there must be something in the name of the Baba. My reply was, “what else could be better than a medical college ?” We are fortunate to have a medical college in the name of H H Baba, which will help people for better health.”

Editorial Perspective

This means that the politicians are enslaved by power, and to fulfil their aspirations they enslave people. Our country needs to be freed from the clutches of such politicians and for that Hindu Rashtra is imperative.