Pakistan threatens India : If any action is taken with the intention of enmity, then Pakistan will give befitting response

Islamabad, Pakistan – Foreign Minister of India Dr S Jaishankar’s warning has struck a chord with Pakistan. Speaking at a program here, Dr Jaishankar said that the time to have a dialogue with Pakistan was over. The time had come to reply in the same language of Pakistan.

1. Commenting on this, Pakistan said that Kashmir was a contentious issue at the international level. Pakistan was committed to diplomacy and dialogue; but if the action was taken with the intention of enmity, they would give a concrete answer.

2. Spokesperson of Pakistan’s Foreign Office, Mumtaz Zahra Baluch, said that a unilateral solution to the Jammu Kashmir dispute could not be reached.

3. Baluch said that a solution should be found according to the proposal of the Security Council and the will of the people of Kashmir.

Editorial Perspective

Pakistan is repeatedly threatening India; when will India respond in a language that Pakistan understands ?