In Afghanistan, women are mandated to wear a burqa, while men are required to keep a beard !

Consequences will be there for not following the directives

Kabul (Afghanistan) — Since the Taliban’s return to power, Sharia law has been enforced in Afghanistan. Women have been mandated to wear burqas, and recently, the Taliban’s Ministry of Justice has issued an extensive set of morality regulations. These new rules require women to cover their faces completely and men to maintain beards.

A spokesman for the Ministry of Justice said the Taliban’s top spiritual leader had issued an order in 2022 to implement the rules. These are now officially implemented.

What are the new rules ?

The rules mandate that women must wear a burqa that fully covers their body and face, while men are required to grow their beards and are prohibited from cutting them. One must participate in all prayers and religious activities without exception. Failure to adhere to these rules can result in penalties such as property confiscation, detention in a jail for periods ranging from 1 hour to 3 days, and other punishments deemed appropriate. Persistent non-compliance may lead to being brought before a court.