MP Govt orders all schools and colleges in the State to celebrate Shrikrushna Janmashtami

Bhopal (MP) – The BJP Government in Madhya Pradesh has issued an order to all schools and colleges in the State to celebrate Shrikrushna Janmashtami. The Government has issued an order to all Divisional Commissioners and District Magistrates instructing that on the occasion of Shrikrushna Janmashtami on 26th August, the Shrikrushna temples in every District should be cleaned and cultural programs should be organised there. In addition, all Government and semi-Government schools and colleges have been instructed to organise cultural programmes focussing on the education, friendship, and life philosophy taught by Shrikrushna.

Congress criticises the order as religious indoctrination

The Congress party has criticised the Government’s order, calling it ‘religious indoctrination in education’. (This is not religious indoctrination but rather returning of education to how it is supposed to be. Congress had previously glorified Islam in education, and now it is being corrected ! – Editor). The Congress has stated that educational institutions are centres of learning and should remain limited to education only. Congress MLA Arif Masood said that he doesn’t understand why the State Government is involved in destroying educational institutions. He pointed out that schools and colleges usually have holidays on religious occasions, allowing people of all religions to celebrate in their own way. He questioned why, on one hand, the Government is making Janmashtami celebrations mandatory in educational institutions, and on the other hand, raising questions about our madarasas. (Celebrating Shrikrushna Janmashtami will help children become ideal and moral citizens. It has often been observed that students from madarasas turn into terrorists. Moreover, it is frequently revealed that teachers in such madarasas commit sexual abuse against both girls and boys ! – Editor) He asked, ‘What exactly do you want ?’

If Janmashtami is celebrated with grandeur, will Congress people stop going to Mathura ? : CM Mohan Yadav

State Chief Minister Mohan Yadav responded to Congress by saying that Shrikrushna emphasised the importance of education 5,000 years ago. Shrikrushna came to Ujjain from Mathura to receive education. The greatest example of friendship between the rich and the poor is the friendship between Shrikrushna and Sudama at Narayan Dham. What is wrong with highlighting a place that symbolises Shrikrushna’s valour ? If Janmashtami does not remind you of Krishna’s places, why do you only remember Mathura ? If Janmashtami is celebrated with grandeur in Mathura, will Congress people stop going there ? This is an insult.

Editorial Perspective

Commendable decision by BJP Government ! Instead of States making such decisions, the Union Government should issue an order to celebrate Hindu festivals across country !