Police demolish the house of a gang rape and murder accused using bulldozer

Muzaffarpur : the Police bulldozed the house of minor girl-gang-rape accused Sanjay Rai

Muzaffarpur (Bihar) – The way illegal houses of Love Jihad culprits or other criminals have been demolished by bulldozers in Uttar Pradesh for the past few years, now the administration of Bihar State too has taken a similar action. After the gang-rape of a 14-year-old girl in Muzaffarpur, the Police have bulldozed the house of the accused Sanjay Rai.

7 days ago, 5 people abducted a minor girl from her house at gunpoint. She was then gang-raped and killed. The victim’s body was found naked on the second day of the incident.

5 accused including the main accused Sanjay Rai are absconding and the Police have not been able to arrest anyone in the last 7 days. (This is the efficiency of the Police ! Why feed them on public taxes ? – Editor).

As per the Court order, Police officer Kumar Chandan pasted a notice on Sanjay’s house and announced that ‘if the accused do not surrender before the Police by 12 noon on August 17, their property will be seized’. The Police then demolished Sanjay Rai’s house with a bulldozer.

Editorial Perspective

Despite taking such action in Uttar Pradesh, these crimes haven’t stopped. Hence, there should be a law to hang the rapists till death. Instead of saying that ‘the law and order is State’s responsibility’, the enraged citizens feel that the Union Government should make a nationwide law for this.