It is everyone’s duty to protect the Hindus of Bangladesh : H.H. Sarsanghchalak Dr Mohanji Bhagwat

Self-defense and independence, is India’s priority

H.H. Sarsanghchalak Dr Mohanji Bhagwat

Nagpur, Maharashtra – As a country, it is not only the responsibility of the government to see to it that Hindus in Bangladesh do not suffer; but ours too. The government will do its job but it also warrants the support of the citizens of the country. It is the responsibility of every individual to create an environment of peace in the country. For this, society should find solutions to the mundane problems of our life, stated Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) H.H. Sarsanghchalak Dr Mohanji Bhagwat. The flag was hoisted at the hands of H.H. Sarsanghchalak Dr Mohanji Bhagwat at Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) headquarters in New Delhi on Independence Day. He was speaking on that occasion.

H.H. Dr Bhagwat further said,

1. The group that sacrificed for the country and society that stood in their support, led to the country’s Independence. The generation that won the freedom has gone; but today’s generation has an obligation to defend the freedom.

2. Soldiers fight on the border of the country. It is everyone’s duty to look after their family. It is the duty of everyone to understand “what does being self“ mean and act accordingly.

3. It is necessary to tread the paths chosen for an independent country. For that it is imperative to follow the constitutional rules.

4. The neighbouring country is witnessing large-scale violence. The Hindu brethren there are still facing the heat of it. Therefore, self-defense and independence is India’s priority and also the responsibility of every citizen.