Congress Govt allocates Rs 85 crore for the restoration of temples

Karnataka State Budget

Bengaluru (Karnataka) – In Karnataka, the Congress govt has presented the budget. Under the Chief Minister’s special grant, 85 crores for the restoration of temples and extra Rs 70 crores for the development programme of various communities have been allocated.

Rs 52 crores for the minority schemes

Under ‘Karnataka minority development Corporation’, for the implementation of various schemes 52.05 crores have been allocated and the administrative expenses of Karnataka State Haj Committee and maintenance of Haj Bhavan, additional 1.5 crores have been allocated. (In our country it is projected that minority means Muslims and it is seen that way only. It appears that care has been taken by allocating money for the restoration of temples, so that, no one should say that money is allocated for the minority and not for the Hindus. Question remains, how much money will be used in reality for the temples ? – Editor).

Editorial Perspective

This is an attempt by the Congress govt to show that they are doing something for the Hindus. If the Congress really wants to do something for the temples, they should free the temples from the government control first.