Raised a voice against the deception of Hindu women through fashion shows and cosmetics : Sadhvi Atmanishtha

Vaishvik Hindu Rashtra Mahotsav (2024) 

Sadhvi Atmanishtha, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh

Ramnath Devasthan, Goa – At present fashion shows are organised in many places by religious fanatics. But the girls doing the ramp walk are Hindus. The videos of these fashion shows are sent to Islamic countries. A racket exploiting these women is then run. Such organised mafias are operating on a large scale. Many cosmetics companies in India are owned by foreign establishments. There is a planned conspiracy to deceive Hindu women through cosmetics too. After realising this, we raised our voice to stop the deception of Hindu women by jihadis through fashion shows and beauty parlours. We shut down at least 50 programmes where Hindu women were being cheated.

To turn Hindu women towards Indian culture, we started programmes like Haldi-kumkum for their unification. We provided them with vocational training and other training. We provide self defense training to these young women. In this we also teach how to wield sticks and swords.