Devout Hindus foil conversion plan of Christian missionaries

Pune – In an incident in the Chandan Nagar area, five Christian missionaries have coerced individuals into converting to Christianity. The incident happened on 15th June 2024 in Bidi Kamgar Colony. Prerna Bhandari, a resident of the Colony, has filed a complaint in the matter.

According to her statement, two women, identified as Rina Mansa and Elisa Alfred, approached her house under the pretext of explaining the adverse effects of excessive use of mobile phones on children. They introduced themselves and offered pamphlets with information on Christianity. The pamphlets had a scanning code for getting further details on Christianity.

The women entered the house uninvited, with three other women. On entering the house, they started promoting Christianity. They placed a copy of the Bible in Bhandari and her mother’s hands and advised them to read it instead of the Geeta. They tried to influence even the children into conversion. The commotion alerted the neighbours and they gathered near the house. They took the missionaries to the Police Station.

The Police initially tried to avoid registering a complaint. The crowd staged an agitation by squatting on the road in front of the Police station.

After this, a case was registered by the Police against the Christian missionaries for hurting Hindu religious sentiments.

A case has been filed against Rina Mansa and Elisa Alfred, besides Rebecca Sigamani, Sharada Sode and Priya Sigamani. They also told other people in the Colony that they had come from a mobile company to make people’s lives happy and help them give up their addiction to the cell phone.

Insensitivity of Police

The incident created confusion in the colony and people gathered there. The devout Hindu residents went to Chandan Nagar Police station, along with the Christian missionaries.

(Are the conversions of Hindus not a serious issue according to the Police ? When will they give up their insensitivity ? A complaint should be lodged against such Policemen with their senior officers so that action can be taken against them. – Editor)

A senior Police Inspector, Sanjay Chavan, said, “A case has been filed for forcing religious conversion
and hurting religious sentiments of people. Further investigations are going on”. (Why were people made to agitate by squatting on the road ? – Editor)

Editorial Perspectives

  • Thousands of Hindus have been converted so far and will continue to be converted in the absence of laws against religious conversion. This will lead to Hindus becoming a minority in this country.
  • It is shameful that the Police ignore the problems of Hindus in a Hindu majority country. Such Police personnel should be severely punished.