Ban on Hijab by Acharya and Marathe College in Chembur is Justified : Bombay High Court

Court dismisses the petition by 9 students against the hijab ban

Mumbai – The Bombay High Court has ruled that the ban on hijab imposed by Acharya and Marathe College in Chembur is justified, dismissing the petition filed by 9 students challenging the hijab ban. The college argued before the High Court that the prohibition of hijab, niqab, and burqa on the campus was implemented solely for a uniform dress code and was not intended to target the Muslim community.

The college had banned hijabs, niqabs, burqas, stoles, and caps. This decision was contested by 9 students in the Bombay High Court. In their petition, the students argued that the college’s rule violated their rights to religious practice, privacy, and choice. They claimed that the rule was arbitrary, unreasonable, and legally flawed.

The petitioners’ advocate, Altaf Khan, cited verses from the Quran in support of his argument. He stated, ” In addition to their right to practice their religion, the petitioners are also relying on their rights to choice and privacy.” Senior advocate Anil Anturkar, representing the college, argued that the dress code applies to students of all religions and castes and is not specifically an order against Muslims.