Spiritual strength is necessary to accomplish the monumental task of Hindu Rashtra : Sadguru Nilesh Singbal, HJS

Vaishvik Hindu Rashtra Mahotsav (2024) Day 2 : Sharing of Experiences and Importance of Divine Worship

Sadguru Nilesh Singbal, Dharmapracharak, Hindu Janajagruti Samiti

Everyone needs to have the spiritual strength to accomplish the monumental task of establishing the Hindu Rashtra. The Pandavas were all Maharathis (great warriors), yet they sought help from Bhagwan Shrikrushna. Hence it is necessary for us to take God’s help. To fight a Raja-Tama predominant enemy, it is necessary to have Raja-Sattva or Sattva-Raja qualities, and this is possible only if one increases spiritual practice. To fight against an enemy who is many times stronger than us, it is necessary to worship God, who is very powerful, said Sadguru Nilesh Singbal (Dharmapracharak, Hindu Janajagruti Samiti). He was guiding the audience on the second day of the Vaishvik Hindu Rashtra Mahotsav (2024).

Sadguru Nilesh Singbal said, “One who abides by Dharma in daily life and practices spirituality, experiences the strength of Dharma. By practicing spirituality we understand the importance and superiority of Dharma. As such, a person devoted to Dharma will never harm Dharma, nor can he bear to see Dharma being harmed, and so will try to stop it. The one who practices spirituality is always aware that he is supported by God while serving Dharma. So he is not frustrated by failure. His dedication is sustained, and due to spiritual practice he does not harbour expectations of specific results from his deeds. Therefore, his work becomes nishkam karmayoga (unselfishly doing the task at hand without expectations). In turn, this becomes his spiritual practice and he receives energy from God. In Kaliyuga, the best form of spiritual practice is chanting the name of God, and this provides spiritual strength.”