WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange released from prison

Julian Assange after being released (Credits : The New Daily)

London (UK) – Julian Assange, the Australian citizen and founder of the WikiLeaks website, was released from prison here on 25 June after five years. He was arrested on charges of espionage related to the United States. As part of an agreement with the US government, Assange would plead guilty to one charge of espionage. Consequently, he was sentenced to 62 months in prison, which he has already served. Following this agreement, the London High Court granted him bail.

In 2010-11, following WikiLeaks disclosures, the US accused Julian Assange of espionage, alleging that his publication of secret files endangered many lives. Assange has consistently denied the espionage charges. He has been engaged in a legal battle for the past 13 years.