Two more Indians recruited in Russian Army killed

Indian Government urges Russia to release Indians from Army

External Affairs Ministry spokesperson, Randheer Jaiswal urges Russia to release Indians from Army. (Credit – TOI)

New Delhi – An estimated 200 Indians nationals have been recruited in the Russian Army for Russia-Ukraine war; two Indians have recently got killed. Earlier also, two Indians were killed. India’s External Affairs Ministry spokesperson, Randheer Jaiswal has informed that, “we have demanded ban on recruitment of Indians in Russian Army and have demanded release of already recruited Indians and send them back to India; to the Russian Government”.

Randheer Jaiswal said, “India is working to get the dead bodies of the two Indians who died recently. We are in touch with their families.

Editorial Perspective

Two Indians had been killed in Russia in the past and India had made the same request at that time too. Russia ignores it. This attitude compels us to wonder whether Russia is our friend or is it exploiting us ?