Religious fanatic Muslims in Pakistan shot dead the accused in the Police Station

  • The result of an alleged denigration of the Quran !
  • Body of the victim was brought out and burnt !
Symbolic photograph

Islamabad (Pakistan) – A man was arrested and taken to a Police Station for allegedly desecrating the Quran in Swat District of Pakistan’s Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. Following this, a mob of fanatical Muslims entered the Police station and shot dead this person and then brought his body out and burnt it. 8 people were injured in the violence that took place at that time.

District Police Officer (DPO), Swat, Zahidullah said the man from Sialkot District of Punjab allegedly burnt some pages of the Quran in Madyan tehsil of Swat on the night of 20thJune. Following this, a mob gathered outside the Police Station and demanded to hand over the suspect. When the Police refused to do so, someone in the mob opened fire. The Police responded. The mob was so big that it was impossible to control them. The mob then set fire to the Police Station. Some people then entered the Police Station and shot the suspect. After the victim’s death, the mob also set his body on fire. 8 people were injured in the violence that erupted due to this incident.

A video of this incident has gone viral on social media which shows the burning body of the person with a mob of fanatical Muslims standing around and shouting with joy.

Editorial Perspective

Fanatical Muslims from Islamic countries and India take the law into their own hands after any alleged insult of the religious beliefs of Quran, Prophet Muhammad etc. No one preaches them anything about this. On the other hand, Hindus denigrate their own places of worship and other Hindus support it under the guise of freedom of expression ! Even if someone protests the denigration, no action is taken !