Shriram and Pandavas are not biological sons of their fathers : Anti-Hindu statement of Prof K S Bhagawan, Karnataka

Professor KS Bhagwan

Harihar (Karnataka) – Shriram in Ramayan and Pandavas from Mahabharat were not biological sons of their fathers and there is proof for it. The above statement was recently made by Professor K S Bhagawan, an anti-Hindu progressive thinker while addressing a programme held by ‘Karnataka Dalit Sangharsh Samiti’ to celebrate the birth anniversaries of Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar and Prof. B Krishnappa.

Prof Bhagawan added –

Ram is the son of King Dashrath as we know. He was, however, not a biological son of King Dasharath but was born of a priest. Similarly, the cursed King Pandu is stated to be the father of five Pandavas in Mahabharat, but Pandavas were born due to a boon by Deities as described in Mahabharat.

The places of worship and Puranas are of no use. In ‘Puranas and Manusmruti’, all other Sects are referred to as ‘Shudras’ except Brahmins. All ‘Shudras’ are said to be slaves of Brahmins. Owing to such ‘Puaranas’ and ‘Manusmruti’, wherein a human is not treated as a human, Hindus are not valued in this country, despite being the majority population. Still, there are some people, who praise ‘Puranas’ and ‘Manusmruti’, saying that they would run this country based on the principles of the ‘Puranas’ and ‘Manusmruti’. (This is the mentality of thinkers of telling lies with conviction. These so-called progressives are propagating Hindu Dharma without studying Holy Scriptures at spiritual level. They have, however, analysed the Scriptures at intellectual level. It is futile to explain to them anything since they are prejudiced – Editor)

The State Government should declare the report of census based on the castes and the exploited faction should be provided food, jobs and education. (People from progressive faction are still stuck in caste and creed. – Editor)

Editorial Perspectives

Those, who claim to be progressive (regressive in reality) dare to make such statements only about those highly revered by Hindus because Hindus are tolerant, whereas such statements against objects of worship of followers of other religions result in ‘fatwa’ for beheading persons making such statements.

It is true that Shriram and even Pandavas were born due to Deities’ boons; still, they are known to be the sons of King Dashrath and Pandu.