India rejects references to Kashmir in the joint statement by China and Pakistan

PM Modi, Pakistani PM Shahbaz Sharfi and Chinese President Xi Jinping

New Delhi – No country has the right to comment or interfere in the Kashmir issue, India told Pakistan and China. Pakistan Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif recently had been on a 5-day visit to China. Both the countries had issued a joint statement there. In it, China had said that it was against India’s unilateral action in Jammu and Kashmir. It had opined that the said issue needed to be resolved peacefully by the resolutions of the United Nations Security Council. India reacted to China’s statement.

India’s Ministry of External Affairs said that Kashmir was, is and will remain an integral part of India. Pakistan wants to work on the China-Pakistan Economic Highway in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK). India opposes any work in this area.

Editorial Perspective

It is necessary to answer China and Pakistan in an appropriate language such that they understand clearly.