Protect religious places of Hindus and give education on Dharma at schools

British Hindus circulate a manifesto with various demands in the backdrop of UK’s General Election

London (UK) – On 3rd July, General Elections will be held in the UK. In this context, various Hindu organisations have come together to publish a manifesto outlining their key demands, titled “The Hindu Manifesto UK 2024.” The manifesto includes seven major demands, such as the protection of Hindu religious places and the introduction of education on Hindu Dharma in schools.

Other 5 key demands of the Hindu community are :

1. Crimes and attacks against Hindus should be classified as “Hate Crimes”.

2. Ensure equal representation and opportunities for Hindus.

3. Address issues of immigration, healthcare, and social care effectively.

4. Recognise the religious values of Hindus.

5. Protect the religious values of Hindus.

Several candidates have assured their support for these demands. The Hindu organisations stated that this showcases the unity of the Hindu community in the UK.

Hindu Dharma is the fourth-largest religion in the UK

According to the 2021 census, 46.2% of the UK population are Christians, 6.5% Muslims, 1.7% Hindus, and 0.9% Sikhs. Approximately 37% of people do not affiliate with any religion. The total Hindu population in the UK exceeds 2 million.

Attacks on 4 Hindu temples in recent times

The manifesto points out that attacks on Hindu temples in the UK have increased, necessitating their protection. In September 2022, in Leicester, religious fanatic Muslims attacked and vandalised a Hindu temple and even burned its flag. This year, there were attacks on temples in Smethwick, Birmingham, and cases of vandalism in Swindon. In January 2024, a temple in Wembley was vandalised, and idols were damaged.

Provision of Rs 977 crores for the protection of Muslim religious sites

While Hindu temples remain unsafe, the UK has allocated Rs 977 crores for the protection of Muslim religious sites over the next four years. (Hindus should note that having a Hindu Prime Minister in the UK has not benefited them at all. No matter how high a Hindu rises, he always becomes a secular traitor when it comes to Hindu brethren and the Hindu Dharma, which is shameful for Hindus – Editor)

Previous demand for religious education for Hindus in British schools was rejected

In 2013, the ‘Commission on Religious Education’ in the UK rejected the demand for religious education for Hindus in schools, citing the lack of teachers and resources. According to 93% of Hindus in the UK, their children do not receive adequate religious education in British schools. It has been highlighted that there is a lack of educational institutions for Indian languages such as Sanskrit, Hindi, Tamil, Gujarati, Punjabi, Bengali, Kannada, Telugu, and Marathi in the UK.

Editorial Perspectives

  • Hindu organisations in India never raise such demands during the elections.
  • The commendable efforts of the British Hindus to unite, demand and elect the political party that adheres to the manifesto, is indeed an example to every Hindu elsewhere.