Muslim mob attacks Hindu youth’s house in Burhanpur (MP)

  • Hindu youth accused of sharing alleged anti-Islamic post
  • Complaint filed by Muslims with the Police, but without waiting for Police action, directly attacked the house
  • The Muslim mob also pelted stones at the Police

Burhanpur (Madhya Pradesh) – A Hindu youth’s house was attacked by a Muslim mob, accusing him of sharing an alleged anti-Islamic post. The Police have arrested 8 people in this case, and more arrests may follow.

According to a media report,

1. Shohrabuddin Qureshi, a resident of Ganpati Naka area of ​​Burhanpur District, filed a Police complaint against a Hindu youth named Jatan. He alleged that Jatan shared anti-Islamic content on Instagram.

2. Based on this complaint, the Police started an investigation but even before that, more than 100 people from the Muslim community started unrest.

3. The Muslim mob turned violent and attacked Jatan’s house in the Itwara Gate area of ​​Burhanpur.

4. This prompted supporters of Jatan to gather, leading to stone pelting from both sides.

5. Upon receiving news of the attack, the Police rushed to the scene and dispersed the crowd. Muslims also pelted stones at the Police. A video about this has gone viral in which the violent crowd is seen raising slogans of ‘Allahu Akbar’.

6. Following the incident, the Police have arrested Jatan. They have also started taking action against the Muslims who attacked Jatan’s house. A case has been filed against a total of 106 people, and the investigation is ongoing.

Editorial Perspectives

  • Please note the arrogance and impudence of religious fanatics who repeatedly attack Hindus. Understand that if Hindus do not unite and raise their voices against this injustice, such incidents will become widespread.
  • Secularists, progressives, communists and Congressmen who say Muslims are unsafe in India will not open their mouths now.