Russia to remove Taliban from the list terrorist organisations

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov

Moscow (Russia) – Russia is set to remove Taliban’s name from its list of prohibited terrorist organisations. This information was reported by the State-run RIA Novosti news agency. At the end of 2023, Kazakhstan has taken Taliban off its list of prohibited organisations. According to official media, Russia extended an invitation to Taliban delegates to attend its premier Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum. This programme is scheduled between 5th to 8th June. Russia had made great efforts for an agreement between Taliban and the then Afghanistan Government.

“Kazakhstan has recently taken the decision, which we are also going to take, to remove them from the list of terrorist organisations,” RIA Novosti quoted Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov as saying. “Taliban is the real power. We are not indifferent to Afghanistan, and above all, our allies in Central Asia are not indifferent to them,” he added.