Semi-naked dead body of a women found in Agra mosque : Suspicion of rape and subsequent murder

Courtesy : OpIndia

Agra (Uttar Pradesh) – The semi-naked dead body of a woman was found in a mosque situated on the Nagla Padma road in the jurisdiction of the Tajganj Police station. The woman’s face and head has been crushed with a stone so that she could not be identified. But she was identified by a photograph found in her purse. Her body was semi-naked, implying she was raped before murder.

According to news published in one of the newspapers, photograph of a boy was found in the girl’s purse. On investigation, the Police learned that his name is Amir Khan. The Police reached his home. Amir’s mother said that she had given the woman Amir’s photograph. She said that as this woman worked in the mosque, she knew people doing black magic. Amir’s mother wanted this woman to perform black magic on Amir so that he gets a good job.

The Police have gathered information about the dead woman. She was 34-year-old married woman. Her husband had left her. She also had a 15-year-old daughter. The Police investigation is going on, informed Police Superintendent Piyush Kant.

Editorial Perspective

If such an incident had happened in a temple, pseudo-liberals would have shouted from the rooftops. Now that this incident has happened in a mosque, be very sure not to hear a word from them.