India could buy oil from Russia, because the US wanted someone to buy it : Eric Garcetti, US Ambassador to India

Arrogant statement by the US ambassador

Washington DC (USA) – India substantially increased its oil purchases from Russia 2 years ago defying Western opposition. US Ambassador to India Eric Garcetti has made a statement regarding that. He said, ‘India bought Russian oil because the US wanted somebody to buy Russian oil. The US allowed the purchase to take place to ensure the prices did not go up globally’. Garcetti was speaking at the Conference on Diversity in International Affairs.

Garcetti further said, ‘During G20, they (India) were able to take Russia to the side on the matter of the statement on Ukraine, which was critical of Russia. So, they were able to deliver Russia, we were able to deliver Europe, and that box in China. It showed the success of the multiplicative nature of this relationship… it’s a very loyal relationship’.

On a lighter note, the envoy metaphorically likened the historical complexities of India-US ties to Facebook status, suggesting that for a significant duration, the relationship could be described as “it’s complicated” and asserted that the two nations are now akin to being in a “committed relationship”. He said, ‘I think if it was Facebook status, for a long time it was ‘it’s complicated’. Now, we are definitely dating. We are kind of figuring out each other’s habits and might have even moved in together a little bit. India has made it clear that its policy is to stay non-aligned to any bloc. They don’t need anyone’s company. India would prefer to be single without marriage. India and America are the two largest democracies in the world. Both have faults. We must accept.

… then petrol would have been expensive by at least ₹20: External Affairs Minister

India had made it clear during the Russia-Ukraine war that it is our decision who we want to buy oil from and who we don’t. We will not be pressured by anyone.

During a campaign rally held in Amritsar on 11th May, External Affairs Minister Dr S Jaishankar said that we were pressured not to import oil from Russia. Just imagine, if we had bowed down to the pressure and stopped buying oil from Russia, petrol prices would have gone up by at least ₹20 for ordinary people.

Editorial Perspective

This is called cunningness ! To isolate India, the US and European countries were putting pressure on India not to buy oil from Russia in 2022. India defied all opposition and stood alone strong. Now the US wants to suggest that it was behind this boldness of India. Such a hypocritical country can never be India’s friend !