Indian flag hoisted during anti-Pakistan protests in Pakistan-occupied-Kashmir

Pakistani military responded with gunfire

Protests in PoK against Pak Govt (Credits : Times of India)

Muzaffarabad (PoK) – In Pakistan-occupied-Kashmir (PoK), a tumultuous situation has erupted as citizens revolt against the oppressive actions of the Pakistani regime. On the 10th and 11th of May, a significant number of citizens flooded the streets in protest. Notably, the Indian national flag was raised amidst the demonstrations. However, Pakistani security forces resorted to violent measures to quell the dissent, with reports emerging of indiscriminate firing on civilians by the Pakistan army.

1. The residents of Pakistan-occupied-Kashmir had planned a mass protest on 11th May to protest against Pakistan-imposed taxes and soaring prices. However, a day prior to the planned demonstration, public outcry erupted following the deployment of additional troops and arbitrary arrests.

2. In the Mirpur District of PoK, the Pakistani army detained over 70 activists without warrants to suppress the impending protests. In response, enraged citizens took to the streets, hurling stones at security forces, leading to clashes in various areas. Subsequently, Section 144, prohibiting assembly, was enforced in the region.

3. The Pakistani army displayed a ruthless disregard even for the safety of children, as Police fired tear gas canisters indiscriminately, some landing within a school compound. Numerous girls reportedly sustained injuries in the chaos that ensued.

Pak Army firing at protesters (Credits : Menafn)

4. The Jammu Kashmir Joint Awami Action Committee had called a strike on 10th May to pressure the Pakistan Government to comply with the agreement reached in February this year. This included the transporters’ strike. The committee alleged that the Islamabad Government was not fulfilling the commitments.

5. The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan has conceded that human rights violations are ongoing in PoK.

6. Last month too, people protested against rising inflation. At many places, people took to the streets and raised slogans against the Police. There, a kilo of flour now costs Pakistani Rupees 800, compared to Pakistani Rupees 230 earlier.

Editorial Perspective

Pakistan always attempts to embarrass India on international platforms. Now India should expose Pakistan’s treatment of people in Pak-occupied-Kashmir on all the international forums and hold Pakistan accountable.