Seekers should prepare for the adverse times
In the adverse times, it is essential that spiritual practice takes place instead of our own wish. It is important to prepare the mind for the emergency times.
In the adverse times, it is essential that spiritual practice takes place instead of our own wish. It is important to prepare the mind for the emergency times.
When an individual starts performing spiritual practice, he starts progressing spiritually. As a result of the Divine change, auspicious symbols appear on the individual’s body.
Contemplation by Mr. Arun Dongrey about opting for Master of Science (MS) and Doctor of Science (Sc.D.) courses at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). This article shows benefits and harmful effects of it.
Invaluable guidance by Saint Bhaktaraj Maharaj through His teachings…
The ongoing public awareness activities about the adverse times being undertaken by HJS is essential to the current times. Pujya Shri Tara Maa, emphasized the dire need for public awareness regarding the preparation for the adverse times and cultivating herbs.
Invaluable guidance for sadhana by Paratpar Guru (Dr) Athavale through His radiant thoughts…
Invaluable guidance by Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale though HIS radiant thoughts…
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invaluable guidance by Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale…
On the day of Mahashivaratra, the Shiva Principle is a 1,000 times more active than on other days. To get maximum benefit of the Shiva Principle, besides worshipping Shiva with complete bhav (Spiritual emotion), we should also chant ‘Om Namaha Shivayay|…