Smt. Malati Navaneetdas Shah becomes Sanatan’s 120th Saint
Through qualities such as a loving nature, calmness and immense faith in God, Smt. Malati Navaneetdas Shah (Age 83) attained Sainthood and became Sanatan’s 120th Saint.
We pay our obeisance a million times on the Birthday (as per Tithi) of
Birthday of Sanatan Sadguru and Saints as per tithi for the fortnight…
O’ Bhagawanta ! Our Moksha lies in singing Your Divine and awe-inspiring glory !
Bhav enriched poem written by H.H. (Mrs) Uma Ravichandran…
(Late) Mrs Pramila Kesarkar and (Late) Mrs Shalini Marathe became Sanatan’s 121st & 122nd Saints
They performed sadhana for a long time under the guidance of Sanatan Sanstha.