Sadguru (Dr) Mukul Gadgil’s guidance to seekers on spiritual practice

Many seekers of Sanatan Sanstha who had not progressed spiritually despite performing spiritual practice for many years, were fortunate to attend the satsang of Sanatan Sanstha’s Sadguru (Dr) Mukul Gadgil by the grace of Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale. Sadguru (Dr) Mukul Gadgil patiently listened to the difficulties faced by these seekers in their vyashti sadhana … Read more

During Diwali and other occasions, it is more beneficial to use traditional mud lamps with sesame oil and cotton wicks instead of wax lamps ! – Research by Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay

To benefit at the spiritual level and spread  radiance and positivity in the entire house, it is best to use the traditional mud lamps with sesame oil and cotton wicks instead of the wax lamps !’