Shoes of MPs and journalists stolen from Pakistan’s Parliament

Pathetic condition of law-and-order in Pakistan

Islamabad (Pakistan) – Pakistani parliamentarians, journalists and parliament staff had gone to offer namaz at the mosque in Pakistan’s Parliament complex on 19th April, when their shoes were stolen from the mosque. Thieves took away 20 pairs of footwear. Parliament Speaker Sardar Ayaz Sadiq has ordered an inquiry into the matter. Parliament’s security officers were not present at their seats during the namaz. Efforts are going on to identify the accused from the CCTV footage.

Beggar mafia could be responsible – Defense Minister

Regarding this incident, Pakistan’s Defense Minister Khawaja Asif said that the increasing number of beggars in Pakistan is a matter of concern. A campaign has also been launched to create awareness against this, in which renowned cricket players are also participating. When a beggar is seen in the city, the Police are informed. Begging has become a large business in Pakistan. An estimated 10% of the population is involved in this profession. We export beggars in bulk. It is possible that these beggar mafia stole the shoes.

Karachi’s Assistant Inspector General of Police Yaqoob Minhas said that these beggars came from the provinces of Sindh and Balochistan. The number of CCTV cameras will be increased to catch them.

Editorial Perspective

Can the country wherein MPs’ shoes can be stolen from the Parliament complex ever be able to protect nuclear weapons from the Jihadi terrorists ?