Vijay Kumar (DG, UP) has advised heightened vigilance during the week preceding and following the occurrence of the ‘New Moon’.

  • The DG has issued an order to mitigate crime within the State
  • The DG has suggested the utilisation of the Hindu calendar as a reference to better manage crime rates

Lucknow (UP) – Vijay Kumar, the DG of the State’s Police force, has circulated a memorandum. The memorandum explicates that a comprehensive analysis of incidents reported across all Districts within the State headquarters has revealed a tendency for more incidents to occur during the week prior to and the week following the ‘New Moon’ dates in the Hindu calendar. The recommendation is thus made to heighten vigilance during these periods, based on the Hindu calendar, with the aim of potentially reducing the frequency of criminal activities. The memorandum also advises Senior Police officers to engage in this analysis on a monthly basis.

Specifically, the forthcoming ‘New Moon’ dates are slated for 14th September and 14th October. As per the directive, officials are urged to remain vigilant during the weeks surrounding these dates. The Police force’s prioritisation of effective crime prevention is a significant endeavour. Their objective is to establish a secure environment for the general populace of the State through robust policing. Consequently, enhanced nocturnal patrolling is deemed necessary to instil confidence regarding public safety.

Editorial Viewpoints

  • It is anticipated that certain individuals within the country, who may lean towards a more skeptical viewpoint, could perceive this approach as superstition and may subsequently voice opposition.
  • However, from a spiritual perspective, it is believed that the ‘New Moon’ and ‘Full Moon’ periods are associated with an elevated presence of Raja-Tama components in the atmosphere, potentially leading to an upsurge in unfavourable incidents. Consequently, the efforts of the Police to leverage this aspect of spiritual science for crime reduction are noteworthy and commendable.