Convenient double standards of the secular political parties about the security and dignity of women !

An incident of rape and murder of a Hindu girl by fanatical Muslims occurred 3 months ago. The political parties were silent when her naked dead body was dragged by the Police through the streets of Bengal

Hindu girl’s dead body dragged by Bengal Police

While there was a countrywide outcry against the incident of the atrocity on the 2 women paraded naked through the streets of Manipur and then raped, another similar incident had occurred in Bengal in April 2023. This news was published on ‘English Sanatan Prabhat’ dated 27 April 2023 titled Bengal Police dragged the dead body of a minor rape victim through the streets. Not a single secular political party from any part of India shed a tear or utter a word against this incident. The incident was from Dinajpur in Bengal, where a Hindu girl was raped and murdered by a fanatic Muslim named Javed. A video went viral showing the Bengal Police dragging the naked body of this murdered Hindu girl. The angry mob set fire to the Police Station after the Police said that according to the post-mortem report she was not raped.  The Police fired on this mob in which a Hindu youth named Burman was shot dead. Those who are speaking about the Manipur incident today were silent then.
Editorial Viewpoint

This deafening silence was there because the rapist was fanatical Muslim and the victim was a Hindu. These very same parties would have shouted till they were hoarse if the accused had been a Hindu. The public should give politicians of such political parties, who conveniently change their stand on women’s security and dignity based on who are the accused and the victim, the comeuppance.